Our school opened in September 2005 following a sustained campaign by a small group of parents to bring the option of Educate Together primary schooling to Gorey.
The school is Equality-based, Child Centred, Co-Educational and Democratically Run. These are the four principles that underpin the 100+ Educate Together schools across Ireland. The booklet What is an Educate Together School? gives a clear account of our Ethos. See www.educatetogether.ie
Our school is state funded, regulated by the Department of Education, and delivers the national Primary School Curriculum: English, Irish, Maths, History, Geography, Science, Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Physical Education and Social, Personal & Health Education (SPHE.) For 30 minutes each day we work on the Learn Together programme. This programme supports and implements the guiding principles and ethos of the school, and addresses a wide range of moral, social, ethical and religious topics.
In 2008 we opened our first special class for children with autism. Visit www.autism.ie
Our temporary location was the St. Waleran’s house on the northern edge of Gorey. The school moved to permanent, purpose-built premises in 2008. Our building was extended during 2009 and facilities now include: 16 large classrooms, library, sports hall, special education facilities and 3 outdoor play areas. Our ‘Outdoor Classroom’ (an outdoor learning and recreation space) was added in 2013. Our 2015-2017 building project included an additional special education classroom, an extended staffroom and a new play & gardening area.
The school’s Board of Management, with the support of the Parent-Teacher Association, has equipped our building to an excellent standard. Investments include: interactive whiteboards for all mainstream classrooms, touch-screen computers for our special classes, a rubberoid safety surface for the infant playground and large amounts of PE equipment, library books and other curriculum resources.
Our pupils’ school days are filled with creativity and variety. Along with English, Irish, Maths and all the other subjects, they tend to our school garden; they enjoy ‘Seachtain na Gaeilge’ & ‘Diversity Week;’ they participate in science competitions, quizzes and 5-a-side soccer tournaments; they sit on our School Council and Green Schools committee; they organise bake sales for charity; they act, sing and dance in our pantomimes and talent shows. The school is thriving and continues to develop. Most new families are referred to us by the families of children already attending the school. Some find us through our award-winning website. Visit www.goreyeducatetogether.ie If you would like to visit our school, please do get in touch. We are always delighted to show parents and children around.
Our pupils are kind-hearted, confident, creative and enthusiastic. They are great ambassadors for Gorey Educate Together!
Raymond Swan